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A place for one mom to share her ideas, crafts, stories, and adventures in this exciting time of life called MOTHERHOOD

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Introducing Solids

One week ago today my husband and I decided that we would give our little guy his first taste of solid food.  I was a little worried.  One for the fact that its just yet another wonderful achievement in the process of growing up   (-sniffle-) and two for the fact that we never really introduced the concept of a spoon to him!  But he's been eating more and more formula at shorter intervals in between feedings and our pediatrician thought it would be a good idea to start solids soon.  So we stocked up on some oatmeal and decided to start the next week.

And here we are after his first week...and I got to say...he's loved it!  We started out with really runny oatmeal (Oh my goodness was that a mess...!) and after a little fussing he settled down into his highchair and ate EVERY bite!  Since then I've made it more thick and it certainly has cut down on the messes.

I am very impressed with how well he's taking the spoon feedings.  Just a few days after starting him on solids he now knows that the spoon means food!  Once he sees the spoon he opens his mouth ready for the next yummy bite (So cute!).  Then he chomps down on it and goes "Mmmmm..." (Even cuter!) or well what sounds like "Mmm..." :)  But I do have to be quick with that spoon or else he gets mad that he's not getting food fast enough!  And if I linger too long by his mouth, he'll grab the spoon and try to feed himself!  Then it just ends up in a mommy/baby battle for the spoon where I win but, I get the spoils of oatmeal flung on me.

My husband just went out yesterday and stocked up on a whole bunch of baby food.  I think we may start introducing the new foods in another week for at least 3 days at a time to see if he has any allergies.  Hopefully he doesn't!  (I had an allergy to cranberries when I was little and haven't eaten them since!)

1 comment:

  1. over from the Baby Center Birth Board-so cute. :) We will be starting solids in about a few more weeks. My little guy is just over five months now.
