Its amazing how much he's grown! This past month he's accomplished so much and had one heck of a growth spurt! He finally rolled over of his own free will (he rolled from his back to his tummy at 2 weeks but that time he was just really mad about bath time!) and continues to do it every so often when he goes on his play mat. His head control is even better than before. When he's on his tummy he'll sit there on his arms with his head high in the air just looking around. He's even been trying to crawl!!! He has the leg motions down, but hasn't quite figured out the arms. His legs are SO incredibly strong that he can scoot himself in circles and across the floor while on his back! He can also stand up by himself from a crouch (we just have our hands there to catch him since he hasn't worked on the balance thing yet, lol) and stand for a few moments before he wiggles to another position.
He also LOVES toys! My parents got him an exersaucer (Which I really think helps him gain leg strength) and its just chock full of toys, but I add on a few of his favorites! He loves to explore all of the toys and plays with each one in turn. He can push buttons and spin things and even flip pages in the book that's on there. Of course he's always putting things in his mouth and chewing on them, but he loves it! My favorite is that he's actually grabbing for toys to play with if you offer them to him. Its so adorable!
His depth perception must be getting better because he can grab things a little more easily now unlike before when he was flailing about and would just happen to grab on to one. His newest thing yesterday is putting his hand on my face and moving it around. The way his eyes study what his hand is doing is just amazing. I wish I could be in that little head of his to see what he's thinking as he does what he does.
Here's a picture of my 4-month-old little guy:

Such a cutie! And I'm so in <3
Hello from the Babycenter Birthboard. My little man is 4.5 months and every little thing he does continues to amaze me. :) I love watching him.