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A place for one mom to share her ideas, crafts, stories, and adventures in this exciting time of life called MOTHERHOOD

Monday, March 7, 2011

Designing Diva

On Saturday I had to work and I was chatting with one of my friends from work about her upcoming "new bedroom" project that she wants to tackle this summer and it really got me to thinking that I really MISS doing interior design work.  I went to the Art Institute and I have my degree in Interior Design but unfortunately due to where I live, design firms are in VERY short supply.  Plus most people hear "interior design" and automatically think "big bucks"!  But with me, that is NOT the case!  I've been toying with this idea for years, ever since I entered college but I just never found the balls to get it up and running.  But now with my Etsy shop being so much fun I'm thinking...maybe I could do this!

I would offer more reasonable prices for services than the typical designer would (AKA: $50-$100 a hour!!!) and I would be much more creative with budgets and do my very best to NOT go over the budget!

I'm thinking that I would offer 2-3 options:

1. A one-time consultation where I would discuss with the client what they are looking to do and what should be done.  I would do on-site sketches and brainstorming to get the client going in the right direction and the encouragement they need to get started.  It would be a one-time-only fee of $100 for up to 4 hours (If they did want further appointments I'm thinking I would do $50 for up to two hours after that).

2. An initial appointment ($50 per room for up to 2 hours) to do one room where I interview the client and what they are looking for.  Then it would be $10 an hour after that while I do research to find the best deals with what they are looking for (works best if they want an entire overhaul) and then return with a portfolio and design board of a design based on their wants.

3. Working per hour to do design work (see above) and physical labor ($15-20) in their home.  

These are just initial ideas of stuff to go on at the moment.  I really need to work out a concrete business plan with prices, etc.  I'm getting kind of excited with the idea but also a little apprehensive since I work in retail on the weekends and that's guaranteed $10/hour work.  Not quite sure how I'll juggle a design business, retail work, and an Etsy shop!

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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