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A place for one mom to share her ideas, crafts, stories, and adventures in this exciting time of life called MOTHERHOOD

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Erin go bragh!

This week has been quite the busy one!  Although I've had a little more down time than usual, so used it in the best way...  I was lazy!  I haven't used that word since waaaaaay before my little guy was born.

Our little guy had his 4 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday and did very well.  He didn't pee on the nurse this time, hehehe...  But I'm really noticing his fear of people he doesn't know getting to close to him.  He starts to cry when they get inside of his "bubble".  This includes both sets of our parents!  Breaks my heart...  He now weighs 15 lbs, 8 oz and is 25.25 inches long!  Just about doubled his birth weight.  He did very well with his shots, of course he cried when he got stuck but as soon as mommy picked him up, he was so much better.  He also didn't get the little fever and fussiness like he had last time, knock on wood.  My little guy is quite the trooper!

Ah...the wonderful spring weather is finally making its appearance in Pennsylvania!  It was so beautiful in the high 50s yesterday and its supposed to hit 70 today!  Me and my little guy are going to lay out a blanket and have fun playing outside for a while today.  I even might drag out his exersaucer so mommy can garden a bit!  I went out yesterday and got pansies to add a bit of color to my front flower bed.  I really just want to tear apart the flower beds.  The two former owners over the past 15 years made such a haphazard way of things, ergh...  There are bulbs poking out everywhere!  I already re-arranged the bushes in the flower bed closest to the house last year, how those were arranged gave me a headache.  I just hope little man will let me get most of it done!

Enjoy the nice weather folks!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm visiting from Baby Center Community, I'm the newest member of the Etsy Board!
